Category Archives: Literature

Oscar Wilde’s The Importance Of Being Earnest (1895)

Oscar Wilde is remem­bered these days for being 1) wit­ty (“I have noth­ing to declare but my genius”) and 2) gay, in a far-from-ide­al peri­od of his­to­ry in which to be gay (Bosie, Read­ing gaol and all that). I sup­pose all writ­ers can be boiled down to a sim­ple phrase (Orwell: edgy polit­i­cal alle­go­ry and warn­ing to future gen­er­a­tions; Tolkien: medieval­ist pur­vey­or of elf-lore, etc). How­ev­er, whilst describ­ing Wilde in a sen­tence or two is all well and good, it’s good to know that his actu­al work con­tin­ues to be con­sumed on stage and screen — all four of his so-called draw­ing-room plays have been made into films (not to men­tion operas and musi­cals) and all four have reg­u­lar­ly been per­formed on stage up and down the land. And to any­one who enjoys their wit sharp and acer­bic, his plays are bril­liant.

Wilde wrote nine plays in all (not quite the 39 that are attrib­uted to Shake­speare but then Wilde did die at 46, and in fact wrote noth­ing much after his spell in prison) and of these it is the four afore­men­tioned draw­ing-room plays that are the most promi­nent: Lady Win­der­mere’s Fan (1892), A Woman of No Impor­tance (1893), An Ide­al Hus­band (1895) and The Impor­tance of Being Earnest (1895). The lat­ter, sub-titled a Triv­ial Com­e­dy for Seri­ous Peo­ple, was first per­formed on 14ᵗʰ Feb­ru­ary 1895 at the St James’s The­atre in Lon­don. It is a far­ci­cal com­e­dy fea­tur­ing two young men-about-town assum­ing dou­ble lives — and the name Ernest — whilst woo­ing the two young women of their affec­tions.

The play par­o­dies con­tem­po­rary social mores and man­ners, and intro­duces two great sup­port­ing char­ac­ters in the form of the for­mi­da­ble Lady Brack­nell and the fussy gov­erness Miss Prism. With the best quips, Lady Brack­nell is a bit­ing­ly comedic char­ac­ter, played over the years in var­i­ous incar­na­tions by Edith Evans, Judi Dench, Mag­gie Smith and Gwen Tay­lor (and even David Suchet). Hers is the line “To lose one par­ent, Mr Wor­thing, may be regard­ed as a mis­for­tune; to lose both looks like care­less­ness” and of course the famous­ly haughty excla­ma­tion “A hand­bag?!”. Watch Judi Dench’s ver­sion in the “inter­ro­ga­tion” clip below (though she choos­es to almost whis­per the hand­bag line instead of going for the full-blown out­raged excla­ma­tion of Edith Evans et al).

The suc­cess­ful open­ing night marked the zenith of Wilde’s career but even as he was bask­ing in the plau­dits from the appre­cia­tive audi­ence, forces were gath­er­ing that would lead to his down­fall. The Mar­quess of Queens­ber­ry, whose son Lord Alfred Dou­glas (Bosie) was Wilde’s lover, was schem­ing to throw a bunch of rot­ten veg­eta­bles at the play­wright at the end of the per­for­mance. This act of ret­ri­bu­tion was thwart­ed by secu­ri­ty but soon the feud would lead to a series of legal tri­als between March to May 1895 which would result in Wilde’s con­vic­tion and impris­on­ment for homo­sex­u­al acts. Despite the play’s ear­ly suc­cess, Wilde’s dis­grace sad­ly caused it to be closed in May after 86 per­for­mances.

Oscar Wilde

Jerome K Jerome’s Three Men In A Boat (1889)

I don’t get out on boats very often, admit­ted­ly, but there is a very appeal­ing aes­thet­ic, isn’t there, of being on a boat in a slow-flow­ing riv­er in the mid­dle of sum­mer? Think of punt­ing down the riv­er Cam, with the hum of insects in the hot air, a straw boater shield­ing your eyes from the sun, and a ham­per full of posh grub and cham­pers (and some friend doing the actu­al punt­ing). I’m think­ing Brideshead Revis­it­ed, though it does occurs that that would have been the riv­er Chur­well, it being based in Oxford, and any­way, the near­est I’ve got to that in recent years is hir­ing a row­ing boat for half an hour on the riv­er Nidd at Knares­bor­ough.

And then there’s Three Men in a Boat (To Say Noth­ing of the Dog) by Jerome K Jerome, per­haps the sin­gle most rep­re­sen­ta­tive nov­el to treat the gen­er­al theme of mess­ing about in boats. Pub­lished in 1889, the com­ic nov­el describes a two-week boat­ing hol­i­day on the Thames, from Kingston upon Thames to Oxford and back again. The three men con­sist of the nar­ra­tor “J” and his two friends George and Har­ris, along with a fox ter­ri­er named Mont­moren­cy (and plen­ty of tea, whisky, and pipe tobac­co). Their voy­age is punc­tu­at­ed by stop-offs at board­ing hous­es and pubs and his­tor­i­cal sites, and the three men argue and squab­ble through­out the trip, alter­nat­ing between com­ic riffs and bants, anec­dotes, and mus­ings about time­worn truths.

The book actu­al­ly start­ed out with the intent to be a seri­ous trav­el guide, with accounts of local his­to­ry along the route, inspired by a real-life boat­ing hol­i­day Jerome had spent with his wife on a Thames skiff. How­ev­er, humor­ous ele­ments began to take over (Jerome had already cut his teeth in the genre of humor­ous writ­ing with his 1886 essay col­lec­tion, Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fel­low) and he soon aban­doned the trav­el guide idea in favour of the com­ic nov­el. He swapped out his wife for two real-life friends, George Wingrave and Carl Hentschel (called Har­ris in the book), who evi­dent­ly offered more by way of com­ic resource than poor old Mrs Jerome (One Man and his Wife in a Boat per­haps doesn’t quite cut it)!

Three Men in a Boat, Pen­guin 1985

The book was a roar­ing suc­cess, and although his sub­se­quent writ­ings nev­er quite hit those heights (his 1900 sequel about a cycling tour in Ger­many titled Three Men on the Bum­mel was only mod­er­ate­ly suc­cess­ful), his humour lives on to this day in Three Men in a Boat which remains wide­ly read and is as fresh and wit­ty as the day it was writ­ten.

It prob­a­bly comes as no sur­prise to learn that many of the com­e­dy set pieces con­cern vict­uals; here’s an excerpt in which the gas­tro­nom­i­cal­ly incom­pe­tent men try to pud­dle togeth­er an Irish stew from the left­overs in their ham­per:

George gath­ered wood and made a fire, and Har­ris and I start­ed to peel the pota­toes. I should nev­er have thought that peel­ing pota­toes was such an under­tak­ing. The job turned out to be the biggest thing of its kind that I had ever been in. We began cheer­ful­ly, one might almost say skit­tish­ly, but our light-heart­ed­ness was gone by the time the first pota­to was fin­ished. The more we peeled, the more peel there seemed to be left on; by the time we had got all the peel off and all the eyes out, there was no pota­to left—at least none worth speak­ing of. George came and had a look at it—it was about the size of a pea-nut. He said:
“Oh, that won’t do! You’re wast­ing them. You must scrape them.”
So we scraped them, and that was hard­er work than peel­ing. They are such an extra­or­di­nary shape, potatoes—all bumps and warts and hol­lows. We worked steadi­ly for five-and-twen­ty min­utes, and did four pota­toes. Then we struck. We said we should require the rest of the evening for scrap­ing our­selves.
I nev­er saw such a thing as pota­to-scrap­ing for mak­ing a fel­low in a mess. It seemed dif­fi­cult to believe that the pota­to-scrap­ings in which Har­ris and I stood, half smoth­ered, could have come off four pota­toes. It shows you what can be done with econ­o­my and care.
George said it was absurd to have only four pota­toes in an Irish stew, so we washed half-a-dozen or so more, and put them in with­out peel­ing. We also put in a cab­bage and about half a peck of peas. George stirred it all up, and then he said that there seemed to be a lot of room to spare, so we over­hauled both the ham­pers, and picked out all the odds and ends and the rem­nants, and added them to the stew. There were half a pork pie and a bit of cold boiled bacon left, and we put them in. Then George found half a tin of pot­ted salmon, and he emp­tied that into the pot.
He said that was the advan­tage of Irish stew: you got rid of such a lot of things. I fished out a cou­ple of eggs that had got cracked, and put those in. George said they would thick­en the gravy.
I for­get the oth­er ingre­di­ents, but I know noth­ing was wast­ed; and I remem­ber that, towards the end, Mont­moren­cy, who had evinced great inter­est in the pro­ceed­ings through­out, strolled away with an earnest and thought­ful air, reap­pear­ing, a few min­utes after­wards, with a dead water-rat in his mouth, which he evi­dent­ly wished to present as his con­tri­bu­tion to the din­ner; whether in a sar­cas­tic spir­it, or with a gen­uine desire to assist, I can­not say.
We had a dis­cus­sion as to whether the rat should go in or not. Har­ris said that he thought it would be all right, mixed up with the oth­er things, and that every lit­tle helped; but George stood up for prece­dent. He said he had nev­er heard of water-rats in Irish stew, and he would rather be on the safe side, and not try exper­i­ments.

Jerome K Jerome

Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet On The Western Front (1929)

Last week’s Uni­ver­si­ty Chal­lenge asked which lit­er­ary work opens with these lines: “We are at rest five miles behind the front. Yes­ter­day we were relieved, and now our bel­lies are full of bul­ly beef and beans”. Like a shot, I metaphor­i­cal­ly spat out my corn­flakes in a gar­bled attempt to get my answer out before the braini­acs on the quiz show – “err, err, I know this…orl-quiet-onza-western-front…”! I had recog­nised the line due to hav­ing only just read the book, giv­ing me one of those serendip­i­tous­ly rare advan­tages in TV’s tough­est quiz.

All Qui­et on the West­ern Front (in the orig­i­nal Ger­man, Im West­en nichts Neues, lit­er­al­ly “In the West, noth­ing new”) is a semi-auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal nov­el by Erich Maria Remar­que, drawn from his expe­ri­ences as a Ger­man vet­er­an of World War I. The book is a first-per­son, present-tense por­tray­al of life in the Ger­man trench­es in the Great War, a sto­ry of extreme phys­i­cal and men­tal trau­ma, punc­tu­at­ed by bore­dom and ennui. The nar­ra­tor, Paul, has come to the trench­es straight from school — remind­ing us of the young age of these lads — and he is accom­pa­nied by sev­er­al class­mates, all spurred on by their teacher to enlist and none of whom will return home.

It is right­ly con­sid­ered to be one of the great­est war nov­els of all time, and it comes as no sur­prise to learn that it was one of the books banned and burned by Nazi Ger­many in the 1930s (who weren’t keen on the sub­ver­sive “war is hell and real­ly isn’t worth it” tone of the book). It has been trans­lat­ed to the big screen on three occa­sions, most recent­ly, — and suc­cess­ful­ly — by Edward Berg­er’s 2022 adap­ta­tion, which won four Acad­e­my Awards.

When the nov­el isn’t focused on the night­mare of trench war­fare, we learn of life dur­ing the “qui­et” times in between action on the front line, marked in ran­dom order by bore­dom, black humour, cama­raderie, and obses­sion with find­ing food to sup­ple­ment their mea­gre rations. The excerpt I have cho­sen below describes one such illic­it mis­sion by Paul and his mate Kat to steal a goose from reg­i­men­tal head­quar­ters. This theme of hard-won sus­te­nance, which prob­a­bly only those who have expe­ri­enced gen­uine hunger can tru­ly appre­ci­ate, is exquis­ite­ly described. It has an air of com­e­dy caper about it, but ends with the sub­lime sat­is­fac­tion of sati­ety, a rare moment of calm before the inevitable return to real­i­ty.

Kat hoists me up. I rest my foot in his hands and climb over the wall.

Kat keeps watch below.

I wait a few moments to accus­tom my eyes to the dark­ness. Then I recog­nise the shed. Soft­ly I steal across, lift the peg, pull it out and open the door.

I dis­tin­guish two white patch­es. Two geese, that’s bad: if I grab one the oth­er will cack­le. Well, both of them–if I’m quick, it can be done.

I make a jump. I catch hold of one and the next instant the sec­ond. Like a mad­man I bash their heads against the wall to stun them. But I haven’t quite enough weight. The beasts cack­le and strike out with their feet and wings. I fight des­per­ate­ly, but Lord! what a kick a goose has! They strug­gle and I stag­ger about. In the dark these white patch­es are ter­ri­fy­ing. My arms have grown wings and I’m almost afraid of going up into the sky, as though I held a cou­ple of cap­tive bal­loons in my fists.

Then the row begins; one of them gets his breath and goes off like an alarm clock. Before I can do any­thing, some­thing comes in from out­side; I feel a blow, lie out­stretched on the floor, and hear awful growls. A dog. I steal a glance to the side, he makes a snap at my throat. I lie still and tuck my chin into my col­lar.

It’s a bull­dog. After an eter­ni­ty he with­draws his head and sits down beside me. But if I make the least move­ment he growls. I con­sid­er. The only thing to do is to get hold of my small revolver, and that too before any­one arrives. Inch by inch I move my hand toward it.

I have the feel­ing that it lasts an hour. The slight­est move­ment and then an awful growl; I lie still, then try again. When at last I have the revolver my hand starts to trem­ble. I press it against the ground and say over to myself: Jerk the revolver up, fire before he has a chance to grab, and then jump up.

Slow­ly I take a deep breath and become calmer. Then I hold my breath, whip up the revolver, it cracks, the dog leaps howl­ing to one side, I make for the door of the shed and fall head over heels over one of the scut­ter­ing geese.

At full speed I seize it again, and with a swing toss it over the wall and clam­ber up. No soon­er am I on top than the dog is up again as live­ly as ever and springs at me. Quick­ly I let myself drop. Ten paces away stands Kat with the goose under his arm. As soon as he sees me we run.

At last we can take a breather. The goose is dead, Kat saw to that in a moment. We intend to roast it at once so that nobody will be any wis­er. I fetch a dix­ie and wood from the hut and we crawl into a small desert­ed lean-to which we use for such pur­pos­es. The sin­gle win­dow space is heav­i­ly cur­tained. There is a sort of hearth, an iron plate set on some bricks. We kin­dle a fire.

Kat plucks and cleans the goose. We put the feath­ers care­ful­ly to one side. We intend to make two cush­ions out of them with the inscrip­tion: “Sleep soft under shell-fire.” The sound of the gun­fire from the front pen­e­trates into our refuge. The glow of the fire lights up our faces, shad­ows dance on the wall. Some­times a heavy crash and the lean-to shiv­ers. Aero­plane bombs. Once we hear a sti­fled cry. A hut must have been hit.

Aero­planes drone; the tack-tack of machine guns breaks out. But no light that could be observed shows from us. We sit oppo­site one anoth­er, Kat and I, two sol­diers in shab­by coats, cook­ing a goose in the mid­dle of the night. We don’t talk much, but I believe we have a more com­plete com­mu­nion with one anoth­er than even lovers have.

We are two men, two minute sparks of life; out­side is the night and the cir­cle of death. We sit on the edge of it crouch­ing in dan­ger, the grease drips from our hands, in our hearts we are close to one anoth­er, and the hour is like the room: flecked over with the lights and shad­ows of our feel­ings cast by a qui­et fire. What does he know of me or I of him? for­mer­ly we should not have had a sin­gle thought in common–now we sit with a goose between us and feel in uni­son, are so inti­mate that we do not even speak.

It takes a long time to roast a goose, even when it is young and fat. So we take turns. One bastes it while the oth­er lies down and sleeps. A grand smell grad­u­al­ly fills the hut.

Then he says: “It’s done.”

“Yes, Kat.”

I stir myself. In the mid­dle of the room shines the brown goose. We take out our col­lapsi­ble forks and our pock­et-knives and each cuts off a leg. With it we have army bread dipped in gravy. We eat slow­ly and with gus­to.

“How does it taste, Kat?”

“Good! And yours?”

“Good, Kat.”

We are broth­ers and press on one anoth­er the choic­est pieces. After­wards I smoke a cig­a­rette and Kat a cig­ar. There is still a lot left.

Erich Maria Remar­que

Wilfred Thesiger’s Arabian Sands (1959)

Back in 2003, whilst on a cruise of the Black Sea, we dined each night with an elder­ly cou­ple, Evan and Vivien Davies, who turned out to be charm­ing and inter­est­ing com­pa­ny. They were clear­ly well-con­nect­ed and rather posh, and Evan in par­tic­u­lar had lived what sound­ed like a pret­ty adven­tur­ous life back in the day: British Com­man­do dur­ing the war; mem­ber of Spe­cial Branch’s anti-ter­ror­ist unit, respon­si­ble for pro­tect­ing Win­ston Churchill, Clement Attlee and Ernest Bevin (1945–50); and Assis­tant Super­in­ten­dent of Police, British Malaya (1950–52). We got on tremen­dous­ly well despite an age dif­fer­ence of some four decades and I’ll nev­er for­get Evan, respond­ing to being gen­tly nudged by Vivien to calm down at one point, stat­ing to the table: “I do apol­o­gise – I do tend to get gid­dy when in good com­pa­ny”! To cap it all, Vivien men­tioned that she had recent­ly attend­ed the funer­al of Sir Wil­fred The­siger…

Wil­fred The­siger! I knew that name…one of the greats of British explo­ration, per­haps the last great British explor­er. Between 1945 and 1950 The­siger criss-crossed the Emp­ty Quar­ter of the Ara­bi­an penin­su­la, with the help of the Bedu peo­ple with whom he acquired a life­long bond, and with whom he endured hard­ships and real-and-present dan­gers on an almost dai­ly basis. Car­ry­ing basic sup­plies and water stored in goatskins (to be refilled at water­holes per­haps hun­dreds of miles dis­tant), The­siger set out with his Bedu com­pan­ions on camel­back across hun­dreds of miles of arid, sun-bleached dunes and grav­el plains. In cer­tain areas where there were trib­al ten­sions and they could be vio­lent­ly robbed of their camels, they had to be con­stant­ly on their guard and pre­pared to defend them­selves, whilst in oth­er areas The­siger had to be passed off as a fel­low Arab oth­er­wise he could eas­i­ly have been shot for being an infi­del Chris­t­ian.

Pestered by a friend to write about his expe­ri­ences, he even­tu­al­ly wrote Ara­bi­an Sands, which was pub­lished in 1959 and is now con­sid­ered a clas­sic of trav­el lit­er­a­ture. I have just got round to read­ing it and indeed it is a remark­able mem­oir. The insights into the lives of the Bedu are pro­found, and I was cer­tain­ly tak­en with a cou­ple of the char­ac­ters in par­tic­u­lar – bin Kali­ma and bin Ghabaisha — who became hard and fast friends with the man they called Umbarak. This para­graph sums up the sense of sat­is­fac­tion that The­siger derived from his expe­ri­ences:

In the desert I had found a free­dom unat­tain­able in civil­i­sa­tion; a life unham­pered by pos­ses­sions, since every­thing that was not a neces­si­ty was an encum­brance. I had found, too, a com­rade­ship that was inher­ent in the cir­cum­stances, and the belief that tran­quil­li­ty was to be found there. I had learnt the sat­is­fac­tion that comes with hard­ship and the plea­sure which springs from absti­nence: the con­tent­ment of a full bel­ly; the rich­ness of meat; the taste of clean water; the ecsta­sy of sur­ren­der when the crav­ing for sleep becomes a tor­ment; the warmth of a fire in the chill of dawn.

This also informs the sense of loss that The­siger express­es else­where when he bemoans the inevitable ero­sion of tra­di­tion­al Bedouin ways by the march of moder­ni­ty and the large-scale devel­op­ment begin­ning to be brought to the region by the Amer­i­can oil com­pa­nies. How he would have been aston­ished and dis­mayed by mod­ern-day Dubai and Abu Dhabi!

Wil­fred The­siger
Ara­bi­an Sands book cov­er

Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865)

You could have safe­ly bet that at some point in this series of blogs I was always going to vis­it a cer­tain trin­i­ty of British uni­ver­si­ty dons who have done more for the lit­er­ary fan­ta­sy genre world­wide than, well, any oth­er trin­i­ty of uni­ver­si­ty dons. Huge. Immense. The Ronal­do, Mes­si and Mbap­pé of children’s fan­ta­sy lit­er­a­ture — I am talk­ing of course about Lewis Car­roll, C S Lewis and J R R Tolkien. If your bet had been an accu­mu­la­tor you would be quids in, too, because I shall cer­tain­ly be vis­it­ing C S Lewis and J R R Tolkien at some point in the future, but for today let’s look at the grandad­dy, that long-time maths pro­fes­sor at Christ Church Oxford, Charles Lutwidge Dodg­son AKA Lewis Car­roll (1832–1898).

Lewis Car­roll, what an inter­est­ing char­ac­ter! First and fore­most, he was a math­e­mati­cian and long-time uni­ver­si­ty schol­ar, spe­cial­is­ing in geom­e­try, alge­bra and log­ic; under his real name, he pub­lished eleven books on maths-relat­ed sub­jects. He was also an avid puz­zler and is cred­it­ed with the inven­tion of the “word lad­der” – you know it, that puz­zle that involves chang­ing one word into anoth­er, one let­ter at a time. He loved word play, amply dis­played in his non­sense poems Jab­ber­wocky (1871) and The Hunt­ing of the Snark (1876).

How­ev­er, it is of course Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land (com­mon­ly Alice in Won­der­land) for which Lewis Car­roll will be for­ev­er remem­bered. As we all know, it details the sto­ry of a girl named Alice who falls through a rab­bit hole (and boy, don’t we hear that phrase a lot these days: “going down a rab­bit hole”?) into a fan­ta­sy world of anthro­po­mor­phic crea­tures. Car­roll first out­lined his sto­ry whilst out on row­ing trips on the Thames near Oxford which he often under­took with mem­bers of the Lid­dell fam­i­ly (Hen­ry Lid­dell being the Dean at Christ Church).

When he told the sto­ry to Henry’s daugh­ter Alice Lid­dell, she begged him to write it down, which he duly did and then passed the man­u­script to anoth­er friend and men­tor, the nov­el­ist George Mac­Don­ald. The enthu­si­asm of the Mac­Don­ald chil­dren for the sto­ry encour­aged Car­roll to seek pub­li­ca­tion, and so he approached Macmil­lan Pub­lish­ers, who loved it. After the pos­si­ble alter­na­tive titles were reject­ed – Alice Among the Fairies and Alice’s Gold­en Hour – the work was final­ly pub­lished as Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land in 1865 (fol­lowed up of course by Through the Look­ing-Glass, and What Alice Found There in 1871). The rest, as they say, is his­to­ry.

The artist John Ten­niel pro­vid­ed a bril­liant set of wood-engraved illus­tra­tions for the book, of which we can see a gallery of some of the uni­ver­sal­ly famil­iar char­ac­ters here:

Lewis Car­roll

L M Montgomery’s Anne Of Green Gables (1908)

Ah, the book­shelf in our class­room dur­ing my lat­er years at pri­ma­ry school, I remem­ber it well. Replete with titles and illus­trat­ed cov­ers promis­ing tales for chil­dren of adven­ture and der­ring-do in exot­ic lands: Robin­son Cru­soe, King Solomon’s Mines, Trea­sure Island. It had all the girls’ clas­sics, too: Black Beau­ty, Lit­tle Women, What Katy Did, Hei­di, and Anne of Green Gables. Of course, I nev­er read any of the lat­ter books…until recent­ly, that is, when I final­ly read L M Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, hav­ing been inspired to do so by watch­ing Netflix’s excel­lent Cana­di­an TV adap­ta­tion, Anne with an E (2017).

The nov­el was pub­lished in 1908 by Cana­di­an author L M Mont­gomery (Lucy Maud Mont­gomery 1874–1942). Set in the late 19ᵗʰ cen­tu­ry, it recounts the adven­tures of 11-year-old orphan girl Anne Shirley sent by mis­take to two mid­dle-aged sib­lings, Matthew and Mar­il­la Cuth­bert, who run their farm in the close-knit com­mu­ni­ty of Avon­lea in Prince Edward Island, Cana­da. They had planned to adopt a boy who could help them with the farm work and so when Anne arrives, their first instinct is to send her straight back. How­ev­er, her exu­ber­ant plead­ing per­suades them to keep her for a tri­al peri­od and soon her per­son­al­i­ty wins them over.

Amy­beth McNul­ty as Anne Shirley in “Anne with an E”

Anne is talk­a­tive to the extreme, huge­ly imag­i­na­tive, dra­mat­ic, an extrac­tor of joy from life wher­ev­er it may exist, and a touch­stone of youth­ful ide­al­ism, if a lit­tle prone to defen­sive­ness over her red hair, freck­les and pale com­plex­ion. She is also insis­tent that her name should always be spelt with an “e” at the end, hence the title of the TV adap­ta­tion. In this she was played impec­ca­bly by Amy­beth McNul­ty, the more so now that I have read the book and see how accu­rate­ly she nailed the char­ac­ter. The whole series turned out to be a large­ly faith­ful ren­der­ing of the book and cer­tain­ly it was a heart-warm­ing depic­tion of a sim­ple turn-of-the-cen­tu­ry lifestyle in rur­al Cana­da, well wroth the watch.

Since its pub­li­ca­tion, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 mil­lion copies — that’s actu­al­ly not far behind J K Rowling’s Har­ry Pot­ter books albeit hav­ing had a cen­tu­ry longer to sell copies! And it has that acco­lade for good rea­son, so who knows, I may even have to delve into Black Beau­ty or Hei­di next?

Anne of Green Gables, 1st edi­tion book cov­er
L M Mont­gomery

Mark Twain’s Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn (1884)

Samuel Lang­horne Clemens (1835–1910) was of course the great Amer­i­can writer and humourist bet­ter known by the pseu­do­nym Mark Twain, and laud­ed as the father of Amer­i­can lit­er­a­ture. His nov­els include The Adven­tures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and its sequel, Adven­tures of Huck­le­ber­ry Finn (1884) as well as A Con­necti­cut Yan­kee in King Arthur’s Court (1889) and Pud­d’n­head Wil­son (1894). The lat­ter nov­el I had on my book­shelf as a boy although I must admit I don’t remem­ber read­ing it; Adven­tures of Huck­le­ber­ry Finn, on the oth­er hand, was a sta­ple of my gen­er­a­tion that every­one read.

Clemens used a litany of pen names: before “Mark Twain” he had writ­ten as “Thomas Jef­fer­son Snod­grass”, “Sieur Louis de Con­te”, “John Snook” and even just “Josh”. There are a num­ber of com­pet­ing the­o­ries about the pseu­do­nym he con­clu­sive­ly decid­ed to adopt, my favourite being the river­boat call from his days work­ing on steam­boats: “by the mark, twain” (refer­ring to sound­ing a depth of two fath­oms, which was just safe enough for a steam­boat trav­el­ling down the Mis­sis­sip­pi). How­ev­er, anoth­er the­o­ry talks about his keep­ing a reg­u­lar tab open at his local saloon and call­ing the bar­tender to “mark twain” on the black­board, and I get the impres­sion that he enjoyed the spec­u­la­tion and nev­er con­clu­sive­ly con­firmed one or the oth­er.

He was raised in Han­ni­bal, Mis­souri, which lat­er pro­vid­ed the set­ting for both Tom Sawyer and Huck­le­ber­ry Finn. In his ear­ly years he worked as a print­er and type­set­ter, and then, as men­tioned, a river­boat pilot on the Mis­sis­sip­pi Riv­er, before head­ing west to join his broth­er Ori­on in Neva­da to spec­u­late unsuc­cess­ful­ly in var­i­ous min­ing enter­pris­es. Final­ly, he turned to jour­nal­ism and writ­ing which soon won him suc­cess and praise from his crit­ics and peers, and led him to his true voca­tion.

Adven­tures of Huck­le­ber­ry Finn is writ­ten through­out in ver­nac­u­lar Eng­lish and told in the first per­son by Huck­le­ber­ry “Huck” Finn. The book comes across as an authen­tic por­tray­al of boy­hood and it is awash with colour­ful descrip­tions of peo­ple and places along the Mis­sis­sip­pi Riv­er. Set in a South­ern ante­bel­lum soci­ety marked by the preva­lent prac­tice of slav­ery and its asso­ci­at­ed soci­etal norms, it often makes for uncom­fort­able read­ing, but at the same time it is a scathing satire against the entrenched atti­tudes of those days. The nov­el explores themes of race and iden­ti­ty long before that was a phrase, but also what it means to be free and civilised in the chang­ing land­scape of Amer­i­ca.

Adven­tures of Huck­le­ber­ry Finn, 1st edi­tion
Mark Twain

Thomas More’s Utopia (1516)

Peo­ple are apt, these days, to con­sid­er mod­ern life rub­bish and that we’re liv­ing in a qua­si-dystopi­an soci­ety run by fools and cow­ards and spi­ralling towards dis­as­ter. Fair enough; it would be pollyan­nish of me to dis­abuse them of that notion, giv­en the real­i­ties of the world, but let me quick­ly pro­vide a crumb of com­fort by point­ing out that at least we’re still able to enjoy life’s lit­tle plea­sures like this blog. And we can at least dream of how it might have been, how we might have been led by philoso­pher-kings in a just and ide­al soci­ety enjoy­ing a gold­en age. A utopia, if you will…

I don’t know if there ever has been a real-life utopia, but it’s per­haps unlike­ly, giv­en that there have been so many imag­in­ings of one, dat­ing back to 370BC when Pla­to described the attrib­ut­es of a per­fect state in The Repub­lic (and from where we get the term and idea of the “philoso­pher-king”). I sup­pose bright sparks have been lec­tur­ing their com­rades on how things should be done for as long as humans have lived togeth­er, but the writ­ten form — utopi­an lit­er­a­ture — gets prop­er­ly kicked off with Sir Thomas More’s word-coin­ing book Utopia pub­lished in 1516.

Thomas More (1478–1535) was the not­ed Renais­sance human­ist who was at var­i­ous times lawyer, judge, states­man, philoso­pher, author, and Lord High Chan­cel­lor of Eng­land under Hen­ry VIII. Quite the achiev­er, and he is even a saint now, since being canon­ised in 1935 as a mar­tyr (hav­ing been exe­cut­ed as a result of fail­ing to acknowl­edge Hen­ry as supreme head of the Church of Eng­land).

“Utopia” is derived from the Greek pre­fix ou-, mean­ing “not”, and topos, “place” – so, “no place” or “nowhere”. Inter­est­ing­ly, More had ini­tial­ly toyed with nam­ing his fic­tion­al state by the Latin equiv­a­lent of “no place” — Nusqua­ma — so we might today have been talk­ing about Orwell’s 1984, for exam­ple, as a dys­nusquami­an nov­el!

In any event, More’s vision inspired many oth­ers to describe their own ver­sions of an ide­al utopi­an soci­ety, includ­ing Fran­cis Bacon’s New Atlantis (1627), Samuel Butler’s Erewhon (1872) (see what he did there?), H G Wells’ A Mod­ern Utopia (1905), and Aldous Huxley’s utopi­an coun­ter­part to his decid­ed­ly dystopi­an Brave New World, name­ly Island (1962). Well, we can keep imag­in­ing…

Sir Thomas More

Washington Irving’s The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow (1820)

Well, Hal­loween is com­ing round again so I thought it time­ly to write about a com­pi­la­tion of creepy tales that I have recent­ly fin­ished read­ing by the 19th cen­tu­ry Amer­i­can short-sto­ry writer Wash­ing­ton Irv­ing (1783–1859). If you are unfa­mil­iar with the author, you may be more famil­iar with the titles of two of his more famous sto­ries: Rip Van Win­kle (1819) and The Leg­end of Sleepy Hol­low (1820). He was one of the first Amer­i­can writ­ers to earn acclaim in Europe, and he was admired by the likes of Lord Byron, Charles Dick­ens, Mary Shel­ley and Wal­ter Scott.

Irv­ing had more strings to his bow than just short sto­ry writ­ing: he was a diplo­mat, serv­ing as Amer­i­can ambas­sador to Spain in the 1840s, and a his­to­ri­an, respon­si­ble for sev­er­al his­to­ries of 15th-cen­tu­ry Spain. This no doubt explains why sev­er­al of Irving’s sto­ries are set in and around Grana­da and involve ghost­ly encoun­ters in places like the Alham­bra Palace with long-gone Moors from before the Recon­quista. Many oth­er sto­ries, on the oth­er hand, are set deep inside anoth­er area close to Irving’s heart, rur­al New York State includ­ing the Catskill Moun­tains (where Rip Van Win­kle is set) and the bucol­ic envi­rons of mod­ern-day Tar­ry­town on the Hud­son riv­er (where The Leg­end of Sleepy Hol­low is set and where, in fact, Irv­ing would end his days).

The Leg­end of Sleepy Hol­low sto­ry revolves around local school­mas­ter Ich­a­bod Crane and his com­pe­ti­tion with town alpha-male “Brom Bones” for the hand of beau­ti­ful heiress Kat­ri­na van Tas­sel. The super­nat­ur­al ele­ment to the sto­ry, how­ev­er, is pro­vid­ed by local leg­end which has it that a Hes­s­ian sol­dier who was decap­i­tat­ed by a can­non­ball in bat­tle still roams the area as a Head­less Horse­man. Irv­ing was by no means the first to invoke the motif of the head­less horse­man – they have appeared in numer­ous sto­ries from Gael­ic, Scan­di­na­vian and Ger­man folk­lore, for exam­ple – but Irving’s is the one that has res­onat­ed down the ages, right down to Tim Burton’s (some­what lib­er­ty-tak­ing) movie of 1999, Sleepy Hol­low.

Ichabod’s encounter with the head­less horse­man hap­pens after his rejec­tion by Kat­ri­na at the van Tas­sel house­hold and he is return­ing home, crest­fall­en, on a bor­rowed horse, Gun­pow­der. Pass­ing though a men­ac­ing swamp, he sees a cloaked rid­er and is hor­ri­fied to see that the rider’s head was not on his shoul­ders but in his sad­dle. A fren­zied race ensues as Ich­a­bod rides for his life, des­per­ate­ly goad­ing Gun­pow­der down the Hol­low; as they cross a bridge, Ich­a­bod turns back in ter­ror to see the head­less rid­er rear his horse and hurl his sev­ered head direct­ly at him: the mis­sile strikes Ich­a­bod and sends him tum­bling head­long into the dust. The fol­low­ing morn­ing, Gun­pow­der is found chomp­ing at the grass, with the only sign of Ich­a­bod, who is nev­er seen again, being his dis­card­ed hat along­side a mys­te­ri­ous shat­tered pump­kin…

Wash­ing­ton Irv­ing

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust (1808)

Johann Wolf­gang von Goethe’s great trag­ic play, Faust (1808), tells the noto­ri­ous tale of Dr Faust and his deal with the Dev­il, a theme that we see recur­ring in West­ern art and lit­er­a­ture time and time again. Dr Faust is the learned Ger­man schol­ar who is dis­il­lu­sioned by his inabil­i­ty to dis­cov­er life’s true mean­ing despite his mas­tery of the sci­ences and the tra­di­tion­al and con­ven­tion­al modes of thought. In des­per­a­tion, he con­sid­ers resort­ing to the arts of mag­ic to resolve his frus­tra­tion, and this attracts the atten­tion of the demon Mephistophe­les who will tempt Faust into sign­ing a con­tract in blood: a life­time of the Devil’s servi­tude in exchange for Faust’s immor­tal soul.

There’s plen­ty to unpack here and sev­er­al inter­est­ing avenues we can go down. First of all, what of this epony­mous char­ac­ter, Dr Faust? Well, he was based upon a real per­son, one Johann Georg Faust (c.1480 – c.1540), who was an obscure Ger­man itin­er­ant alchemist, astrologer, and magi­cian. In the decades fol­low­ing his death, he became the sub­ject of folk leg­end, trans­mit­ted in so-called chap­books, begin­ning in the 1580s. Chap­books, rather than being books for chaps (at least, not exclu­sive­ly), were actu­al­ly short, low-bud­get street lit­er­a­ture that were very pop­u­lar with the pub­lic through­out Europe (this was before Water­stones).

The leg­end of Faust was seized upon long before Goethe: Christo­pher Mar­lowe adapt­ed the per­sona into his play The Trag­i­cal His­to­ry of the Life and Death of Doc­tor Faus­tus in 1604, and the Faust­buch brand of chap­book sur­vived through­out the ear­ly mod­ern peri­od. Thus, when Goethe wrote Faust, he was drama­tis­ing a long-estab­lished tra­di­tion.

How about the char­ac­ter of Mephistophe­les? Here too, we find Mephistophe­les appear­ing for the first time in the ear­ly Faust­buchs; he is not the Dev­il him­self but a demon work­ing on behalf of the Dev­il, and in fact, since he was invent­ed by the anony­mous author(s) of the Faust­buch, he is sole­ly a lit­er­ary char­ac­ter and doesn’t form part of the tra­di­tion­al hier­ar­chy of demonolo­gy. In Goethe’s hands he is not only cold-heart­ed and cyn­i­cal, as you’d expect, but also supreme­ly wit­ty, and has all the best lines (hence we are remind­ed of the mod­ern-day obser­va­tion that “the Dev­il has the best tunes”).

And the deal itself? The dev­il and his fiendish temp­ta­tions have been a lit­er­ary sta­ple ever since Eve bit the prover­bial apple, and mankind has always been grim­ly fas­ci­nat­ed by the trope of trad­ing one’s soul for wealth or super­hu­man pow­ers, from Oscar Wilde’s The Pic­ture of Dori­an Gray to Ter­ry Gilliam’s The Imag­i­nar­i­um of Dr Par­nas­sus. In the case of Goethe’s Faust, the whole is a sym­bol­ic and panoram­ic com­men­tary on the human con­di­tion, writ­ten in verse through­out, and a clas­sic of Euro­pean lit­er­a­ture. To the Dev­il his due…

Eugène Delacroix, Faust and Mephistophe­les