
Under Sec­tion 107 of the Copy­right Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for pur­pos­es such as crit­i­cism, com­ment, news report­ing, schol­ar­ship, and research. Fair use is a use per­mit­ted by copy­right statute that might oth­er­wise be infring­ing.

This blog is devot­ed to cri­tiquing and com­ment­ing upon art and cul­ture; is ad-free and com­plete­ly non-com­mer­cial; and com­mit­ted to being edu­ca­tion­al and instruc­tive only. Where pic­tures are used to illus­trate my blog, I look for pub­lic domain or Cre­ative Com­mons pic­tures. For sound clips and video files specif­i­cal­ly relat­ing to the sub­ject of the blog, I fea­ture them for edu­ca­tion­al appre­ci­a­tion only, under fair use as defined in the Copy­right Act 1976.

Commentaries on excellence in art, music, film, and literature