L M Montgomery’s Anne Of Green Gables (1908)

Ah, the book­shelf in our class­room dur­ing my lat­er years at pri­ma­ry school, I remem­ber it well. Replete with titles and illus­trat­ed cov­ers promis­ing tales for chil­dren of adven­ture and der­ring-do in exot­ic lands: Robin­son Cru­soe, King Solomon’s Mines, Trea­sure Island. It had all the girls’ clas­sics, too: Black Beau­ty, Lit­tle Women, What Katy Did, Hei­di, and Anne of Green Gables. Of course, I nev­er read any of the lat­ter books…until recent­ly, that is, when I final­ly read L M Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, hav­ing been inspired to do so by watch­ing Netflix’s excel­lent Cana­di­an TV adap­ta­tion, Anne with an E (2017).

The nov­el was pub­lished in 1908 by Cana­di­an author L M Mont­gomery (Lucy Maud Mont­gomery 1874–1942). Set in the late 19ᵗʰ cen­tu­ry, it recounts the adven­tures of 11-year-old orphan girl Anne Shirley sent by mis­take to two mid­dle-aged sib­lings, Matthew and Mar­il­la Cuth­bert, who run their farm in the close-knit com­mu­ni­ty of Avon­lea in Prince Edward Island, Cana­da. They had planned to adopt a boy who could help them with the farm work and so when Anne arrives, their first instinct is to send her straight back. How­ev­er, her exu­ber­ant plead­ing per­suades them to keep her for a tri­al peri­od and soon her per­son­al­i­ty wins them over.

Amy­beth McNul­ty as Anne Shirley in “Anne with an E”

Anne is talk­a­tive to the extreme, huge­ly imag­i­na­tive, dra­mat­ic, an extrac­tor of joy from life wher­ev­er it may exist, and a touch­stone of youth­ful ide­al­ism, if a lit­tle prone to defen­sive­ness over her red hair, freck­les and pale com­plex­ion. She is also insis­tent that her name should always be spelt with an “e” at the end, hence the title of the TV adap­ta­tion. In this she was played impec­ca­bly by Amy­beth McNul­ty, the more so now that I have read the book and see how accu­rate­ly she nailed the char­ac­ter. The whole series turned out to be a large­ly faith­ful ren­der­ing of the book and cer­tain­ly it was a heart-warm­ing depic­tion of a sim­ple turn-of-the-cen­tu­ry lifestyle in rur­al Cana­da, well wroth the watch.

Since its pub­li­ca­tion, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 mil­lion copies — that’s actu­al­ly not far behind J K Rowling’s Har­ry Pot­ter books albeit hav­ing had a cen­tu­ry longer to sell copies! And it has that acco­lade for good rea­son, so who knows, I may even have to delve into Black Beau­ty or Hei­di next?

Anne of Green Gables, 1st edi­tion book cov­er
L M Mont­gomery

3 thoughts on “L M Montgomery’s Anne Of Green Gables (1908)”

  1. Fun fact: the Japan­ese use the series to teach Eng­lish in school. A few years ago we made the pil­grim­age to Cavendish PEI. We weren’t aware that “tourist sea­son” is only about two months in the sum­mer. We arrived at the first of June and hard­ly any­thing was open. But we did get to see the house Green Gables was based on. We pulled up to the park­ing lot and were the only car there. That is, until a very large tour bus pulled in and dozens of retire­ment-age Japan­ese peo­ple piled out of it. Yes, they almost all had very fan­cy cam­eras and enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly took pic­tures of every­thing. You would think (as I did at first) that hav­ing the place to our­selves to wan­der around in and imag­ine liv­ing there 100 years ago would be bet­ter, but it wouldn’t have been. It was an absolute delight to see the joy in the eyes of a 70 year old Japan­ese man as he turned around from the door­way of a bed­room made up to look like Anne’s, or hear an elder­ly wife chat­ter excit­ed­ly to her hus­band to come look at the pantry (I assume). They were so kind and respect­ful and so glad to be there and shar­ing the expe­ri­ence with us. It was the high­light of our trip.

    1. Fab­u­lous sto­ry, Jen­nifer! What I would­n’t give for a vis­it to PEI too. Tell me, have you watched the Net­flix TV adap­ta­tion, or do you pre­fer to keep the book sacro­sanct in your mind?

      1. I watched a few of the episodes and haven’t gone back to it yet. I gen­er­al­ly don’t like hav­ing to wait for episodes, so I will wait until an entire series is out before start­ing it.

        No, I know the sto­ries from the 80s Cana­da ver­sion Kevin Sul­li­van made, the first two movies any­way. The third was a dis­as­ter from start to fin­ish. They don’t tell the sto­ries in order fol­low­ing the books, but for the most part it’s faith­ful. If you haven’t seen it, I’d rec­om­mend get­ting your hands on Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avon­lea (which I think has been reti­tled Anne of Green Gables The Sequel). If it’s Megan Fol­lows as Anne, you’ve got the right ones. Just stay away from The Con­tin­u­ing Sto­ry. I can’t find it stream­ing any­where, so you’d have to buy either phys­i­cal DVDs on ama­zon or rent/buy it there. But it’s worth it. An absolute­ly charm­ing sto­ry and incred­i­bly well-done adap­ta­tion. Colleen Dewhurst and Richard Farnsworth as Matthew and Mar­il­la.

        The heartache for me is that you may not be able to expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of it as we did then, because tech­nol­o­gy and enter­tain­ment have changed. Then, it was on PBS dur­ing telethon week, or on the Dis­ney chan­nel when­ev­er they decid­ed to play it. Enter­tain­ment options were few­er and more of your acquain­tances were watch­ing it. You did­n’t get to decide when to watch it, and you made sure to catch it when it WAS on. It was very like the Firth/Ehle Pride and Prej­u­dice that way.

        I hope you can find them and watch, and I hope you enjoy them. I’m going to go find a way to watch them now.

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