Tag Archives: Edward Thomas

Edward Thomas’s Adlestrop (1915)

In the course of my work, I am occa­sion­al­ly called upon to vis­it the vil­lage of Ment­more in Buck­ing­hamshire, ser­viced by the near­by rail­way sta­tion of Ched­ding­ton. I have board­ed and alight­ed trains here on per­haps a dozen occa­sions (the lat­est being just a cou­ple weeks ago) and on not one occa­sion have I ever met anoth­er soul on its plat­forms. I guess it’s because I trav­el there off-peak and it’s no doubt total­ly dif­fer­ent at rush-hour when the com­muters leave and return to their rur­al homes, but it puts me in mind of the poem Adle­strop by the poet Edward Thomas (1878–1917), one of the Dymock poets whom we last vis­it­ed when I wrote about Rupert Brooke’s The Sol­dier here.

The poem is based on a rail­way jour­ney on the Cotswold line Thomas took on 24th June 1914, dur­ing which his train briefly stopped at Adle­strop in Glouces­ter­shire (a sta­tion long closed down, one of the many vic­tims of the Beech­ing cuts in the six­ties). Thomas record­ed the occa­sion in his note­book, writ­ing that the train, from Padding­ton to Malvern, had stopped at Adle­strop at 12:15. He record­ed his obser­va­tions of the grass, the wild­flow­ers, the black­birds and the silence inter­rupt­ed only by the hiss of steam at the stop. The poem itself was writ­ten a few months lat­er. Since then, the poem has become a pop­u­lar sym­bol­ic piece due to its sim­ple ref­er­ences to a peace­ful era and loca­tion just before the out­break of the Great War.

Adle­strop Sta­tion

Thomas enlist­ed the fol­low­ing year, and was killed soon after he arrived in France, at the Bat­tle of Arras, in 1917. His poem was pub­lished in the New States­man, just three weeks after his death. One hun­dred years to the day after the orig­i­nal jour­ney, an “Adle­strop Cen­te­nary Spe­cial” Cotswold Line train was arranged, car­ry­ing 200 pas­sen­gers from Oxford to More­ton-in-Marsh and stop­ping at Adle­strop in the place where the sta­tion for­mer­ly stood. Adle­strop vil­lage also held a cel­e­bra­tion to mark the cen­te­nary, with a pub­lic read­ing of the poem by actor Robert Hardy. The old rail­way sign can still be seen in the village’s bus-stop.

Here is Thomas’s sim­ple but ele­gant poem; know­ing it was writ­ten just before the war that changed every­thing might qui­et­ly break your heart.

Yes. I remem­ber Adle­strop—
The name, because one after­noon
Of heat the express-train drew up there
Unwont­ed­ly. It was late June.

The steam hissed. Some­one cleared his throat.
No one left and no one came
On the bare plat­form. What I saw
Was Adlestrop—only the name

And wil­lows, wil­low-herb, and grass,
And mead­owsweet, and hay­cocks dry,
No whit less still and lone­ly fair
Than the high cloudlets in the sky.

And for that minute a black­bird sang
Close by, and round him, mist­i­er,
Far­ther and far­ther, all the birds
Of Oxford­shire and Glouces­ter­shire.

Edward Thomas