Tag Archives: Milkmaid

Johannes Vermeer’s The Milkmaid (c. 1658)

Johannes Ver­meer is right­ly con­sid­ered one of the great­est painters of the Dutch Gold­en Age, but it wasn’t always so. Although mod­est­ly recog­nised in his life­time in Delft and The Hague, he quick­ly slipped into obscu­ri­ty after his death, and it remained that way for near­ly two cen­turies, until his redis­cov­ery in the 19th cen­tu­ry by French art crit­ic, Théophile Thoré-Bürg­er, who was so impressed when he came across Vermeer’s View of Delft that he spent years seek­ing out oth­er paint­ings by this vir­tu­al­ly unknown artist. Today, Vermeer’s paint­ings are of course laud­ed as mas­ter­pieces and worth mega-mil­lions; should you ever come across his paint­ing The Con­cert, which was stolen in 1990 and remains miss­ing, do grab it — it’s worth about $200M.

Although “launched” by a cityscape and par­tic­u­lar­ly famous for a tron­ie (Girl with a Pearl Ear­ring), Ver­meer paint­ed most­ly domes­tic inte­ri­ors. As his biog­ra­ph­er put it: “Almost all his paint­ings are appar­ent­ly set in two small­ish rooms in his house in Delft; they show the same fur­ni­ture and dec­o­ra­tions in var­i­ous arrange­ments and they often por­tray the same peo­ple, most­ly women”.

A prime exam­ple is today’s choice, The Milk­maid, paint­ed around 1658 and show­ing a domes­tic kitchen maid, suit­ably attired and pour­ing milk into an earth­en­ware pot (and thus pos­si­bly mak­ing bread pud­ding, judg­ing by the amount of bread on the table). Vermeer’s care­ful design (there were sev­er­al revi­sions) result­ed in a mas­ter­piece of light and shad­ow, colour, con­tours, and shape. He restricts his palette main­ly to the pri­ma­ry colours of red, blue, and yel­low, and the pig­ments are rich and vibrant — Ver­meer is known to have used only the very best, and most expen­sive, pig­ments. Above all, the skill of the artist has wrought a remark­ably real­is­tic scene, with quirky but authen­tic fea­tures such as the foot warmer, low­er right, and the hang­ing bas­ket, upper right.