Tag Archives: Nina Simone

Nina Simone sings I Want a Little Sugar in my Bowl (1967)

Eunice Kath­leen Way­mon was born in Try­on, North Car­oli­na, in 1933, and was recog­nised ear­ly on as a child prodi­gy at the piano. Sup­port­ers in her home town start­ed a fund to help her become the first female black con­cert pianist in the US, but when she applied for a schol­ar­ship at the pres­ti­gious Cur­tis Insti­tute of Music in Philadel­phia, she was reject­ed, which she sus­pect­ed was due to racial dis­crim­i­na­tion (and con­sid­er­ing this was Fifties Amer­i­ca, it’s no great stretch to go along with that).

Eunice had to get a job, and she used her skills at the piano key­board to get a res­i­den­cy at the Mid­town Bar & Grill, Atlantic City. To ensure her Methodist min­is­ter moth­er wouldn’t find out she was play­ing “the devil’s music”, she adopt­ed a stage name: Nina Simone. The bar own­er said she had to sing as well as play if she want­ed to keep her job and thus Simone’s deli­cious­ly dolor­ous voice was bestowed upon the world. And what a voice! She quick­ly built up a reper­toire and a steady fol­low­ing, and was snapped up by Beth­le­hem Records, with whom she released her first album, Lit­tle Girl Blue.

There is much that could be writ­ten about Nina Simone: her dis­in­cli­na­tion towards the record­ing indus­try and refusal to be pigeon­holed; her involve­ment in the civ­il rights move­ment (lis­ten to the impas­sioned and provoca­tive social com­men­tary in her song Mis­sis­sip­pi God­dam); her itin­er­ant life, liv­ing in Bar­ba­dos, Liberia, Switzer­land, the Nether­lands and France; her fiery tem­pera­ment and regret­table lega­cy of abuse towards her daugh­ter, Lisa.

How­ev­er, it’s the fusion of that silky voice with her vir­tu­oso piano play­ing that we’re inter­est­ed in here. I have select­ed this clip from French TV show Tilt Mag­a­zine in 1967, in which Simone per­forms I Want a Lit­tle Sug­ar in my Bowl. She is beguil­ing to watch as well as to lis­ten to. Inci­den­tal­ly, in 2003, just days before her death, the Cur­tis Insti­tute of Music bestowed on her a belat­ed hon­orary degree.


Nina Simone