Tag Archives: Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones’ (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (1965)

In April 1965, the Rolling Stones embarked on their first head­lin­ing tour of the Unit­ed States. They had already had two US top ten hits (Time Is On My Side and The Last Time) but in terms of the British inva­sion they were still a notch or two below bands such as Herman’s Her­mits and the Dave Clark Five. One song, writ­ten dur­ing this tour, would soon change that.

The sto­ry behind that song is enshrined in rock folk­lore. Mid­way through the tour, in a motel in Clear­wa­ter, Flori­da, Kei­th Richards woke up in the mid­dle of the night with a tune in his head. Fum­bling in the dark for his cas­sette recorder, he hit the record but­ton and played the eight-note gui­tar riff. He also mum­bled a lyric — “I can’t get no sat­is­fac­tion” – and then fell asleep. In Richards’ own words: “On the tape you can hear me drop the pick. The rest is me snor­ing”.

Richards didn’t think his riff would turn into any­thing com­mer­cial; nonethe­less, Mick Jag­ger was inspired to flesh out the lyrics and when the band’s tour took them to Chica­go just three days after Richards’ noc­tur­nal ram­blings, they dropped into Chess Stu­dios (home to their heroes Chuck Berry, Bo Did­dley and Mud­dy Waters) and laid down the song.

This first attempt was actu­al­ly an acoustic, folksy ver­sion of the song, sound­ing noth­ing like the swag­ger­ing stomp it would turn into. It didn’t take long for that trans­for­ma­tion to occur, how­ev­er: just two days lat­er the band re-record­ed the song, this time in RCA Stu­dios on Hol­ly­wood Boule­vard. Richards had just acquired a Mae­stro FZ‑1 Fuzz-Tone ped­al, Char­lie Watts put down a dif­fer­ent tem­po, and the band gave the song a far more aggres­sive feel.The song was released as a sin­gle in the Unit­ed States in June 1965. It was a smash hit, giv­ing the Stones their first US num­ber one and set­ting the band on their tra­jec­to­ry to become the “Great­est Rock and Roll Band in the World”. Here’s a suit­ably elec­tri­fy­ing per­for­mance deliv­ered by the band and filmed dur­ing a quick tour of Ire­land a few weeks after the song hit num­ber one.