Tag Archives: Sean Connery

Sean Connery in You Only Live Twice (1967)

Who is your favourite James Bond? My for­ma­tive years coin­cid­ed with the Roger Moore era so I tend to regard him as my favourite Bond, with Live And Let Die my favourite Bond movie. How­ev­er, the defin­i­tive Bond, the one with the cor­rect mea­sure of rogu­ish charm and cool sophis­ti­ca­tion, rugged mas­culin­i­ty and sex appeal, but also gift­ed by the styl­is­tic ele­ments of the Six­ties (was there a cool­er car than the 1964 Aston Mar­tin DB5 dri­ven by Bond in Goldfin­ger?), has to be the recent­ly-deceased Sean Con­nery.

Con­nery made sev­en Bond movies begin­ning with 1962’s Dr No but today I’m look­ing at the fifth in the series, 1967’s You Only Live Twice, which par­tic­u­lar­ly thrilled me as a kid (despite con­nois­seurs gen­er­al­ly com­par­ing it less favourably to its pre­de­ces­sors). With screen­play by one Roald Dahl, it is the first James Bond film to dis­card most of Ian Flem­ing’s plot, using only a few char­ac­ters and loca­tions from the book as the back­ground for an entire­ly new sto­ry. In the film, Bond is dis­patched to Japan after Amer­i­can and Sovi­et crewed space­craft dis­ap­pear mys­te­ri­ous­ly in orbit, each nation blam­ing the oth­er. The Secret Ser­vice sus­pects a third par­ty, how­ev­er, and Bond trav­els secret­ly to a remote Japan­ese island to find the per­pe­tra­tors. He comes face-to-face with Blofeld (Don­ald Pleasence), the head of SPECTRE, which is work­ing for the gov­ern­ment of an unnamed Asian pow­er to pro­voke war between the super­pow­ers.

Direc­tor Lewis Gilbert, pro­duc­ers Cub­by Broc­coli and Har­ry Saltz­man, pro­duc­tion design­er Ken Adam, and direc­tor of pho­tog­ra­phy Fred­die Young spent three weeks in Japan search­ing for loca­tions, with SPEC­TRE’s extinct vol­cano head­quar­ters being a par­tic­u­lar­ly good find. The group was due to return to the UK on a BOAC Boe­ing 707 flight on 5th March 1966, but can­celled at the last minute after being told they had a chance to watch a nin­ja demon­stra­tion. That flight crashed 25 min­utes after take-off, killing all on board: such a lucky deci­sion for the par­ty and their fam­i­lies, and also for the entire future Bond fran­chise.

John Bar­ry pro­duced the score, and (as is typ­i­cal with John Bar­ry) the result was sen­sa­tion­al: the inci­den­tal theme music, and Nan­cy Sinatra’s stun­ning main theme song, knit the ele­ments togeth­er so well. Those ele­ments include all the usu­al tropes: car chas­es, fights, assas­si­na­tion attempts, love action and glam­orous Bond girls (notably the beau­ti­ful Kissy Suzu­ki, played by Mie Hama), gad­gets and gis­mos (includ­ing bul­let-fir­ing cig­a­rettes and a heav­i­ly-armed gyro­copter), and wit­ty one-lin­ers. How­ev­er, the movie is also hav­ing an obvi­ous love affair with Japan, and so as well as a whole lot of nin­ja action, we get some sump­tu­ous Japan­ese land­scapes and cer­e­monies.

The whole thing is of course majes­ti­cal­ly absurd but stonk­ing­ly good fun. Here is a nice mon­tage of clips from the movie along­side Nan­cy Sinatra’s win­ning theme song.

Bond, Tiger Tana­ka, and Kissy Suzu­ki