Tag Archives: The Fighting Temeraire

J M W Turner’s The Fighting Temeraire (1839)

J M W Turn­er is famed for his mas­tery of light and colour. For him, as for Mon­et, light was a mirac­u­lous phe­nom­e­non — it pro­duced colour, it sculpt­ed form and mood and it revealed the beau­ty of nature. He was also remark­ably pro­lif­ic, leav­ing some 550 oil paint­ings and 2,000 water­colours (as well as about 30,000 sketch­es), so you don’t have to go out of your way in this coun­try to find a Turn­er. He was a keen trav­eller, and I love the fact that he came to York­shire and paint­ed such famil­iar land­marks (to us) as Hardraw Force, Mal­ham Cove, and Hare­wood House. Indeed, the Tate holds six full sketch­books from Turner’s tour of York­shire in 1816.

How­ev­er, the sub­ject of this blog is set not in York­shire but on the Thames riv­er. This paint­ing by Turn­er, The Fight­ing Temeraire, on dis­play in the Nation­al Gallery, depicts the last jour­ney of the HMS Temeraire. The Temeraire had been a cel­e­brat­ed gun­ship that had fought valiant­ly in Lord Nel­son’s fleet at the bat­tle of Trafal­gar in 1805. Indeed, pri­or to that bat­tle, she had been mere­ly the Temeraire; it was after­wards she was hon­oured with the “Fight­ing” sobri­quet. Thir­ty three years lat­er, how­ev­er, decay­ing and well past her glo­ry days, she was towed up the Thames from Sheer­ness to be bro­ken up in a Rother­hithe ship­yard.

Turn­er’s paint­ing pays trib­ute to the Temeraire’s hero­ic past. The glo­ri­ous sun­set is a fan­fare of colour in her hon­our. Paint is laid on thick­ly to ren­der the sun’s rays strik­ing the clouds, whilst by con­trast, the ship’s rig­ging is metic­u­lous­ly paint­ed. It can be seen as a sym­bol of the end of an era, even the decline of Britain’s naval pow­er, with the sun set­ting on the days of ele­gant, tall-mast­ed war­ships. The Temeraire is already phan­tas­mal, behind the more sol­id form of the squat lit­tle steam tug that pulls her along to her fate.

Turn­er was in his six­ties when he paint­ed The Fight­ing Temeraire; per­haps this was behind his think­ing in terms of the end of an era. In any event, the paint­ing is an arrest­ing piece of work and, dis­tinct from Turn­er’s many strict­ly-land­scape paint­ings, it tells a sto­ry. I love it.