Tag Archives: The Lark Ascending

Ralph Vaughan Williams’ The Lark Ascending (1914)

You could call this a “two for one” this week in that the poem that inspired Ralph Vaugh­an Williams’ mas­ter­ful piece for vio­lin and piano, The Lark Ascend­ing, is itself a mas­ter­piece. Writ­ten by poet George Mered­ith in 1881, and hav­ing the same title, it was a paean to the sky­lark and its song. Siegfried Sas­soon called it “a sus­tained lyric which nev­er for a moment falls short of the effect aimed at, soars up and up with the song it imi­tates, and unites inspired spon­tane­ity with a demon­stra­tion of effort­less tech­ni­cal ingenuity…one has only to read the poem a few times to become aware of its per­fec­tion”. For those whose appetite is whet­ted by Sassoon’s praise, the poem is at the foot of this blog; how­ev­er, today let’s look at the beau­ti­ful music it inspired.

Vaugh­an Williams was one of England’s great com­posers. Influ­enced by Tudor music and Eng­lish folk­song, he com­posed every­thing from operas, bal­lets and choral pieces to cham­ber music and sym­phonies, spread over six­ty years, and is a sta­ple of the British con­cert reper­toire. He con­tin­ued to com­pose in his sev­en­ties and eight­ies, pro­duc­ing his last sym­pho­ny months before his death at eighty-five in 1958.

Vaugh­an Williams loved poet­ry and was a keen read­er of the great Vic­to­ri­an poets. The com­poser’s sec­ond wife, Ursu­la, her­self a poet, wrote that in The Lark Ascend­ing Vaugh­an Williams had “tak­en a lit­er­ary idea on which to build his musi­cal thought…and had made the vio­lin become both the bird’s song and its flight”. It’s not hard to detect the allu­sion in the music.

Although com­plet­ed in 1914, the pre­miere of The Lark Ascend­ing wasn’t until 15th Decem­ber 1920 at the Shire­hamp­ton Pub­lic Hall (giv­en by lead­ing British vio­lin­ist of the time Marie Hall and the pianist Geof­frey Mend­ham). Rather like the Edwar­dian era itself, as viewed ret­ro­spec­tive­ly from the oth­er side of the Great War, it seems to reflect nos­tal­gia for a part­ly mytho­log­i­cal lost age of inno­cence.

Although most per­for­mances these days are orches­tral ver­sions, some have recre­at­ed the orig­i­nal ver­sion for vio­lin and piano only, includ­ing this exquis­ite per­for­mance by Finnish vio­lin­ist Kree­ta-Julia Heikkilä, with Jaan Ots on the piano, at the Helsin­ki Cham­ber Music Fes­ti­val 2019.

He ris­es and begins to round,
He drops the sil­ver chain of sound
Of many links with­out a break,
In chirrup, whis­tle, slur and shake,
All intervolv’d and spread­ing wide,
Like water-dim­ples down a tide
Where rip­ple rip­ple over­curls
And eddy into eddy whirls;
A press of hur­ried notes that run
So fleet they scarce are more than one,
Yet chang­ing­ly the trills repeat
And linger ring­ing while they fleet,
Sweet to the quick o’ the ear, and dear
To her beyond the hand­maid ear,
Who sits beside our inner springs,
Too often dry for this he brings,
Which seems the very jet of earth
At sight of sun, her musci’s mirth,
As up he wings the spi­ral stair,
A song of light, and pierces air
With foun­tain ardor, foun­tain play,
To reach the shin­ing tops of day,
And drink in every­thing discern’d
An ecsta­sy to music turn’d,
Impell’d by what his hap­py bill
Dis­pers­es; drink­ing, show­er­ing still,
Unthink­ing save that he may give
His voice the out­let, there to live
Renew’d in end­less notes of glee,
So thirsty of his voice is he,
For all to hear and all to know
That he is joy, awake, aglow,
The tumult of the heart to hear
Through pure­ness filter’d crys­tal-clear,
And know the plea­sure sprin­kled bright
By sim­ple singing of delight,
Shrill, irreflec­tive, unrestrain’d,
Rapt, ring­ing, on the jet sustain’d
With­out a break, with­out a fall,
Sweet-sil­very, sheer lyri­cal,
Peren­ni­al, qua­ver­ing up the chord
Like myr­i­ad dews of sun­ny sward
That trem­bling into ful­ness shine,
And sparkle drop­ping argen­tine;
Such woo­ing as the ear receives
From zephyr caught in chor­ic leaves
Of aspens when their chat­ter­ing net
Is flush’d to white with shiv­ers wet;
And such the water-spirit’s chime
On moun­tain heights in morning’s prime,
Too fresh­ly sweet to seem excess,
Too ani­mate to need a stress;
But wider over many heads
The star­ry voice ascend­ing spreads,
Awak­en­ing, as it wax­es thin,
The best in us to him akin;
And every face to watch him rais’d,
Puts on the light of chil­dren prais’d,
So rich our human plea­sure ripes
When sweet­ness on sin­cere­ness pipes,
Though nought be promis’d from the seas,
But only a soft-ruf­fling breeze
Sweep glit­ter­ing on a still con­tent,
Seren­i­ty in rav­ish­ment.

For singing till his heav­en fills,
’T is love of earth that he instils,
And ever wing­ing up and up,
Our val­ley is his gold­en cup,
And he the wine which over­flows
To lift us with him as he goes:
The woods and brooks, the sheep and kine
He is, the hills, the human line,
The mead­ows green, the fal­lows brown,
The dreams of labor in the town;
He sings the sap, the quicken’d veins;
The wed­ding song of sun and rains
He is, the dance of chil­dren, thanks
Of sow­ers, shout of prim­rose-banks,
And eye of vio­lets while they breathe;
All these the cir­cling song will wreathe,
And you shall hear the herb and tree,
The bet­ter heart of men shall see,
Shall feel celes­tial­ly, as long
As you crave noth­ing save the song.
Was nev­er voice of ours could say
Our inmost in the sweet­est way,
Like yon­der voice aloft, and link
All hear­ers in the song they drink:
Our wis­dom speaks from fail­ing blood,
Our pas­sion is too full in flood,
We want the key of his wild note
Of truth­ful in a tune­ful throat,
The song seraph­i­cal­ly free
Of taint of per­son­al­i­ty,
So pure that it salutes the suns
The voice of one for mil­lions,
In whom the mil­lions rejoice
For giv­ing their one spir­it voice.

Yet men have we, whom we revere,
Now names, and men still hous­ing here,
Whose lives, by many a bat­tle-dint
Defaced, and grind­ing wheels on flint,
Yield sub­stance, though they sing not, sweet
For song our high­est heav­en to greet:
Whom heav­en­ly singing gives us new,
Enspheres them bril­liant in our blue,
From firmest base to far­thest leap,
Because their love of Earth is deep,
And they are war­riors in accord
With life to serve and pass reward,
So touch­ing purest and so heard
In the brain’s reflex of yon bird;
Where­fore their soul in me, or mine,
Through self-for­get­ful­ness divine,
In them, that song aloft main­tains,
To fill the sky and thrill the plains
With show­er­ings drawn from human stores,
As he to silence near­er soars,
Extends the world at wings and dome,
More spa­cious mak­ing more our home,
Till lost on his aër­i­al rings
In light, and then the fan­cy sings.

George Mered­ith
Ralph Vaugh­an Williams