Tag Archives: The Last Detail

Jack Nicholson plays Badass Buddusky in The Last Detail (1973)

Three sailors on a road trip. Two Navy lif­ers, por­trayed by Jack Nichol­son and Otis Young, are assigned to escort the hap­less 18-year old recruit, Mead­ows (Randy Quaid), from Nor­folk, Vir­ginia, to mil­i­tary prison in New Hamp­shire, after he was caught steal­ing from a char­i­ty, which unfor­tu­nate­ly for him hap­pened to be the favourite char­i­ty of the Admiral’s wife. “Badass” Bud­dusky (Nichol­son) and “Mule” Mul­hall (Young), are giv­en a week to car­ry out their duty, and ini­tial­ly aim to hus­tle Mead­ows to prison while keep­ing his per diem expens­es for them­selves, allow­ing for a bit of hol­i­day drink­ing and whor­ing on their way back.

As the dis­pro­por­tion­ate sever­i­ty of the eight-year sen­tence hand­ed down to Mead­ows dawns upon them, Badass and Mule change their objec­tive; now they want to show Mead­ows the best time of his life before he is incar­cer­at­ed. Numer­ous shenani­gans ensue, as the three eat, drink and fight their way across a nat­u­ral­is­tic 1970s Amer­i­ca.

Nichol­son is a mar­vel to watch. Ini­tial­ly in a sour mood and under­whelmed by this “detail” that has been hand­ed to him out of the blue, even­tu­al­ly the real­i­sa­tion of free­dom sinks in and the prospect of fun beck­ons, at which point Nichol­son ignites. His char­ac­ter, Bud­dusky, soon shows why he got his “Badass” nick­name. He lives in the moment, is high­ly impul­sive, and nev­er squan­ders an oppor­tu­ni­ty for a good time, like the scene in which he spots some Marines enter­ing the pub­lic lava­to­ries at the sta­tion. He prompt­ly fol­lows them in to start a ruckus, draw­ing Mule and Mead­ows into the caper by dint of mil­i­tary sol­i­dar­i­ty. After bat­ter­ing the Marines in typ­i­cal­ly chaot­ic fash­ion they charge reck­less­ly and hilar­i­ous­ly out of the toi­lets and the sta­tion itself to seek their next adven­ture.

The film was nom­i­nat­ed for three Acad­e­my Awards, but it failed to win any, and good crit­i­cal notices did not trans­late into box office suc­cess. A few months lat­er, Chi­na­town explod­ed onto the scene, and The Last Detail was some­what eclipsed. Nichol­son would soon go on to win an Oscar for One Flew Over the Cuck­oo’s Nest — and quite right­ly — but for me, his per­for­mance in The Last Detail is as fine an achieve­ment as that role.

Here, we’ll see two rep­re­sen­ta­tive scenes: first, a sim­ple mas­ter class in how to eat and rel­ish a ham­burg­er, Bud­dusky-style; and sec­ond, the infa­mous bar scene in which Badass com­plete­ly los­es it when the bar­tender refus­es to serve the under­age Mead­ows and con­trives to push all the wrong but­tons as far as Badass is con­cerned. The dis­turb­ing and high­ly intim­i­dat­ing over-reac­tion from Badass toward the bar­tender is then tem­pered by a huge release of ten­sion on the side­walk after­wards as they laugh like drains at their escapade. “I am a bad ass, ain’t I?” says Bud­dusky. Yes sir, you cer­tain­ly are.

Jack Nichol­son as Badass Bud­dusky