Tag Archives: Wayne's World

Mike Myers and Dana Carvey as Wayne and Garth in Wayne’s World (1992)

Writ­ing my last blog about Jimi Hen­drix at Wood­stock put me in mind of the hilar­i­ous scene from the movie Wayne’s World, where­in the char­ac­ter Garth, prone as he is to day-dream­ing, envi­sions him­self invei­gling a beau­ti­ful woman to the sound­track of Hendrix’s Foxy Lady. I chuck­led so much sole­ly from its rec­ol­lec­tion that I just had to find it and fea­ture it (along with sev­er­al oth­er scenes from the movie) this week!

Back in 1987, on a Cana­di­an vari­ety show called It’s Only Rock & Roll, an aspir­ing com­ic called Mike Myers was try­ing out a new char­ac­ter in a brief seg­ment called Wayne’s Pow­er Minute. The char­ac­ter of teenage heavy met­al fan Wayne Camp­bell with his pup­py-like exu­ber­ance and love­able-air­head phi­los­o­phy was pret­ty much ful­ly formed even back then.

It was a cou­ple of years lat­er that Myers joined the Sat­ur­day Night Live cast and intro­duced Wayne to a wider audi­ence, in the form of the Wayne’s World sketch­es, now with side­kick Garth Algar (Dana Car­vey). The premise of Wayne’s World was that it was a pub­lic-access tele­vi­sion show broad­cast from Wayne’s base­ment, and char­ac­terised by its chaot­ic pro­duc­tion style, the anar­chic school­boy humour of its hosts, and their obses­sion with “babes” and rock music.

Myers and Car­vey record­ed 27 episodes dur­ing its 1989–1992 hey­day and in 1992 filmed the first Wayne’s World movie, the per­fect vehi­cle for Wayne and Garth to get involved in antics and exploits in the wider world. The movie was an instant crit­i­cal and com­mer­cial suc­cess. Catch­phras­es abound, and many of them have become col­lo­qui­alisms: “Par­ty on!”, “Good call!”, “I am not wor­thy”, “Excel­lent!” (when intoned in the cor­rect way), “No way…way!”, and of course “…not” (as in “Sure, it’s a great movie…not!”).

Let’s view a mon­tage of some of their hilar­i­ous­ly juve­nile move­ments, fol­lowed by that mes­meris­ing Foxy Lady mat­ing dance of Garth’s. Excel­lent!


Wayne’s World base­ment