Wilfred Thesiger’s Arabian Sands (1959)

Back in 2003, whilst on a cruise of the Black Sea, we dined each night with an elder­ly cou­ple, Evan and Vivien Davies, who turned out to be charm­ing and inter­est­ing com­pa­ny. They were clear­ly well-con­nect­ed and rather posh, and Evan in par­tic­u­lar had lived what sound­ed like a pret­ty adven­tur­ous life back in the day: British Com­man­do dur­ing the war; mem­ber of Spe­cial Branch’s anti-ter­ror­ist unit, respon­si­ble for pro­tect­ing Win­ston Churchill, Clement Attlee and Ernest Bevin (1945–50); and Assis­tant Super­in­ten­dent of Police, British Malaya (1950–52). We got on tremen­dous­ly well despite an age dif­fer­ence of some four decades and I’ll nev­er for­get Evan, respond­ing to being gen­tly nudged by Vivien to calm down at one point, stat­ing to the table: “I do apol­o­gise – I do tend to get gid­dy when in good com­pa­ny”! To cap it all, Vivien men­tioned that she had recent­ly attend­ed the funer­al of Sir Wil­fred The­siger…

Wil­fred The­siger! I knew that name…one of the greats of British explo­ration, per­haps the last great British explor­er. Between 1945 and 1950 The­siger criss-crossed the Emp­ty Quar­ter of the Ara­bi­an penin­su­la, with the help of the Bedu peo­ple with whom he acquired a life­long bond, and with whom he endured hard­ships and real-and-present dan­gers on an almost dai­ly basis. Car­ry­ing basic sup­plies and water stored in goatskins (to be refilled at water­holes per­haps hun­dreds of miles dis­tant), The­siger set out with his Bedu com­pan­ions on camel­back across hun­dreds of miles of arid, sun-bleached dunes and grav­el plains. In cer­tain areas where there were trib­al ten­sions and they could be vio­lent­ly robbed of their camels, they had to be con­stant­ly on their guard and pre­pared to defend them­selves, whilst in oth­er areas The­siger had to be passed off as a fel­low Arab oth­er­wise he could eas­i­ly have been shot for being an infi­del Chris­t­ian.

Pestered by a friend to write about his expe­ri­ences, he even­tu­al­ly wrote Ara­bi­an Sands, which was pub­lished in 1959 and is now con­sid­ered a clas­sic of trav­el lit­er­a­ture. I have just got round to read­ing it and indeed it is a remark­able mem­oir. The insights into the lives of the Bedu are pro­found, and I was cer­tain­ly tak­en with a cou­ple of the char­ac­ters in par­tic­u­lar – bin Kali­ma and bin Ghabaisha — who became hard and fast friends with the man they called Umbarak. This para­graph sums up the sense of sat­is­fac­tion that The­siger derived from his expe­ri­ences:

In the desert I had found a free­dom unat­tain­able in civil­i­sa­tion; a life unham­pered by pos­ses­sions, since every­thing that was not a neces­si­ty was an encum­brance. I had found, too, a com­rade­ship that was inher­ent in the cir­cum­stances, and the belief that tran­quil­li­ty was to be found there. I had learnt the sat­is­fac­tion that comes with hard­ship and the plea­sure which springs from absti­nence: the con­tent­ment of a full bel­ly; the rich­ness of meat; the taste of clean water; the ecsta­sy of sur­ren­der when the crav­ing for sleep becomes a tor­ment; the warmth of a fire in the chill of dawn.

This also informs the sense of loss that The­siger express­es else­where when he bemoans the inevitable ero­sion of tra­di­tion­al Bedouin ways by the march of moder­ni­ty and the large-scale devel­op­ment begin­ning to be brought to the region by the Amer­i­can oil com­pa­nies. How he would have been aston­ished and dis­mayed by mod­ern-day Dubai and Abu Dhabi!

Wil­fred The­siger
Ara­bi­an Sands book cov­er

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